You Made a Fool of Karma

Ayodele Oba
4 min read3 days ago


(When all you love is taken from you)

Photo by Sahludheen on Unsplash

I was taught that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind, but why do you get to keep your sight whilst I lose my light like a ship adrift without a compass?

I opened my doors to you, like a floodgate because of your sheep’s clothing, but like a snake in the grass, you brought out your forked tongued, unexpectedly, they were sharper than wolverine’s claws, your elongated skull, flexible jaws, like a ribbon fluttering in the wind. Just like a river flowing silently, you put your venomous fangs to action.

You stabbed me and you showed me your hands. I didn’t have to turn my back before you pierced and twisted that sword into my heart. You were emboldened enough to stab me and gloat about it to my face. You were supposed to be there for me. You committed to standing by me like a medieval knight pledging his allegiance.

Leave it all to karma, they said.

Karma! But it is as slow as a snail and sometimes if you touch its head, it runs back into its shell. Karma takes too much time, leaving the culprit floating in a bubble of immunity, like water off a duck’s back. Karma affords the culprit sufficient time to walk through life without leaving footprints. Karma gives the culprit, enough time to consider redemption. I am not leaving you to the whims of karma.

What goes around comes back around, they said.

But time is a fleeting arrow, and there might not be room for some things to come back. Not everything that goes around comes back around- there are always exceptions and what if you are part of the outliers? They said what goes up must come down, but that is not true for your age. This is another piece of advice I could not take.

The world was silent when you dampened my world and left me in stygian darkness.

The world turned a blind eye when you stole my will to live, like a thief in the night, and dawdled with my time like a man watching a paint, dry.

you tore my world into pieces as a lioness devouring its prey. Like a torrential downpour, you rained on my parade and left me with the lingering ghost of my dreams.

Why do I have to take the high road when you blew up my world like a missile released from a military base?

Why do I have to be magnanimous when you took everything away from me and left me with the rubbles of my dreams?

He who seeks revenge digs two graves, they said, but nothing about it scares me because you killed me when set ablaze my world and gloated about the arson.

What is dead may never die again. You stabbed me and paraded the knife in front of me because you believed I was helpless. When you thought of me as your victim, you felt like Hitler after he conquered France.

Why should I spare you when you took no thought for me? Why should I not repay you in your own coin when you were more than happy to throw it in my face?

If you prick me and I bleed, If you push me and I fall, If you stab me and I hurt, If you tickle and I laugh, If like gravity, you throw it up and it comes down, then if you wrong me, shall I not revenge?

If you are willing to dish it and you expect it to be consumed, should you not eat it when it is dished to you?

They said the best revenge is to take no revenge at all

But how do I let you get away with this, feeling like a conqueror?

How do I sleep at night knowing you do not have to carry the weight of this guilt like a man dragging an anchor?

Like a knife through butter, it breaks my heart that you live as though you are blameless.

Like shattered glass, it breaks my heart that you act oblivious to the harm you have caused me.

Like a broken mirror, it breaks my heart you are getting away with this like a Nigerian politician.

Just like tugging on a delicate thread, It breaks my heart that you might have the last laugh.

Like a stormy sea and its tumultuous waves, it breaks my heart that I am helpless and at the mercy of my conscience.

Like a knife twisting my soul, it breaks my heart that while I am being berated by my conscience, you are dancing through life’s adventure like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower.

It breaks my heart that I have to let you go, unscathed.



Ayodele Oba

I love words and the power it wields on the human mind and emotion #Storyteller #poet