I Weep For Her?

Ayodele Oba
2 min readMay 18, 2022


Why do you weep bitterly?

Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

I weep for her

For the little girl inside the woman; scared and forlorn

I weep for her

For the girl who knew what abandonment and desertion felt like

I weep for her

For the girl who was forcibly Stripped of her innocence and childhood

I weep for her

For the little girl that had hoped to see a light at the end of the tunnel but came out to darkness

I weep for her

For the little girl left with the debris and rubles of a shattered life

I weep for her

For all the nights she drowned her couch with her tears

I weep for the little girl

For all the times she died inside of her

I weep for her

For the girl who only knows how to survive and nothing about thriving

I weep for the little girl in the woman

For all the times she had struggled to fit in

I weep for the little girl in the woman

For all pain and sorrow she endured

I weep for the little girl in the woman

For all the times she walked through the fiery furnace and battled her demons alone

I weep for the little girl in the woman

Who was starved of love and affection

I weep for her

For the childhood that was stolen from her and her desperate hunger to be loved

I weep for the little girl

For every bullet of abuse and terror shot at her

I weep for the little girl in the woman

For every time that her soul was ripped apart by those she trusted

I weep for her

For the little girl who screamed and yelled for help but was met with a deafening silence

I weep for the little girl in the woman

The girl who tried to do right by the world

I weep for her

For every time, she stood by the door hoping that help would come

I weep for her

For the little girl burdened with guilt and strife

I weep for her

For the little girl who has been left empty

I weep for the little girl in the woman



Ayodele Oba

I love words and the power it wields on the human mind and emotion #Storyteller #poet