Ayodele Oba
3 min readMay 16, 2024

Resilience Is A Noun

(The fortitude to bear it all)

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

You never really know how strong you are, until being strong is the only option you have. When people think of resilience, they think of it as something you are born with, but I believe it is a skill that can be honed and earnest.

This life as we know it, is a one-time thing, this is our only shot at life. We have never been here before, so we are allowed to learn on the way. It is okay if you figure things out as you go because life doesn’t have a manual- we are all just finding our way.

Resilience is your ability to bounce back from challenges and problems. The ability to dust yourself up and keep going after you fall. You can say, it is your opportunity to see “the rock bottom” is a good place to rebuild and not the end of your life.

In today’s world, resilience is a necessary skill to navigate the world around you. One thing about life is that it will happen to you, whether you are rich or poor, student or lecturer, short or tall, life will happen to you and this will either come in the form of things not going as planned or things spiraling out of control, so you need resilience to reframe the events and the world around you.

Resilience is your ability to adapt, change, view, and maintain a positive outlook. The ability to find the silver lining in every event in your life can be attributed to resilience. The ability to know that no matter how long the night is, the sun will shine in the morning.

It is a soft skill that is important in navigating your work life, mental well-being, and interpersonal relationships. By developing this skill, you will position yourself to have a more positive outlook on life and this can spare you a lot of heartache and mental stress.

Resilience is not a dismissal of your feelings, on the contrary, it allows you to acknowledge and process your feelings healthily. Instead of being overwhelmed by difficult emotions, resilient people navigate their emotions with ease and the assurance that “this too shall pass” as with all things in life.

Resilience is not a do-it-yourself approach. your ability to acknowledge when you need help and ask for help without feeling entitled to it is a sign of a resilient person. It can foster social bonds and relationships with others. It can help you create a community of support around.

Resilience is a much-needed life skill. It makes life easier to deal with, and you shift your approach of asking existential questions like “Why me” to “What are the lessons from this or the takeaway from this situation”. You can even argue that resilience is a form of self-care that can help you manage certain stressors in your life. We tend to magnify issues and problems and this can often lead to mental, emotional, and physical stress. The role of resilience is not to alter what has happened, but to help you reshape how you view the issues and this can improve your mental wellbeing.

Resilience influences every aspect of your well-being, so its importance cannot be overemphasized. It is a much-needed life skill that can be honed by anyone, anywhere. It will improve the quality of your life.

Ayodele Oba

I love words and the power it wields on the human mind and emotion #Storyteller #poet