13 min readMay 28, 2021

Image by Leo Moko ( Unsplash)

Pelumi : You can stop with the sarcasm. I don’t feel like dancing. Go back to your girlfriends, they are waiting for you.

Tokunbo : Somebody is jealous

Pelumi: I will gulp a bag of detergent before getting jealous over you. Get over yourself Tokunbo. The world doesn’t relvole around you.

Tokunbo: maybe the world does revolve around me (winks)

Pelumi : I am terminating this conversation. (Hiss)

Tokunbo: You don’t have to be mean you know? One would think I stole your doll, so much vile. (Walks away)

I was never sure why I don’t like him but now more than ever, I am convinced I hate his guts and I want nothing to do with him.

For the rest of the night, Pelumi avoided Tokunbo and sat by herself. Arinola was all over the place, dancing and making out with her boyfriend, Nkem.

By 4:30 am, the party was over and half of the attendees were drunk to stupor. Arinola and Nkem were wasted and Tokunbo was nowhere to be found. Pelumi ordered an UBER to take her back to the hostel, the party was in town and their school is located at Igbesa, Ogun State.

Arinola : (drowsy) Pelumi, you should wait. Tokunbo will take us back to the hostel

Pelumi: Over my dead body. You all are wasted, coupled with the silly attitude of that shitty boy. I am not going anywhere near his car. I booked an UBER ride already and I hope you will ride with me instead of putting your life in the hands of a drunk.

Arinola : You are a drama queen. This is not the first time we are attending parties and driving back tipsy. Calm down.

Pelumi : Suit yourself but I am taking UBER.

Arinola. That’s fine. I’ll meet you in the hostel.

Pelumi left with the UBER and later that evening she packed her bags and was ready to head home for the holiday. Arinola wasn’t back yet, so she called, but there was no response.

She decided to wait awhile for her just to be sure she is fine. Arinola got back that evening looking all moody.

Pelumi : Madam, where have you been?

Arinola : Where you left me

Pelumi: what does that even mean?

Arinola: It means what you think it means? I don’t subscribe to your childish attitude. I invited you to a party. First, you sat all night, I get that you are new to this, but you decide to leave us behind because you think we were drunk. You think I will deliberately endanger my life, you think you are more responsible than us because you don’t drink. Sorry to burst your bubble, I love my life, and we all value our lives. We had a plan, Tokunbo wasn’t wasted because he knew he will take us back to school. It wasn’t like I was wasted and didn’t know what to do. Like that was not enough, you were unnecessarily rude to Tokunbo just because he asked for a dance. I get that you don’t like his promiscuous ways, but it’s not like he asked you out or intends to do that anyway. He is my friend and I respect your friends, so I think you owe him that much for being my friend.

Pelumi ( Shocked) Wait! What? Where are all these coming from? First, I have never felt like I am more responsible than you because you take alcohol. You were tipsy last night; I know it, and you know it too. I could also see that Nkem was high and you two are the only ones I care about and trust enough to get me back to the hostel. Tokunbo ran to you and you didn’t think you needed my version of what happened before condemning me. It’s good to know how you feel about me. I was waiting for you to get back so I can leave and now that you are here, I am off. See you in September.

Arinola: What you did last night made no sense to me. If you don’t think you owe me or Toks any apology, that’s fine.

Pelumi : Apology!!! Arinola, bye. I can’t do this, not today.

Pelumi picked her bags and head straight for the chartered car downstairs. On her way home she couldn’t shake off that conversation. Arinola taking sides with Tokunbo without hearing her side of the story. Anyway, she knew him before her and that’s ok. She felt disappointment in Arinola.

At home, her dad was so happy to see her.

I can’t believe year 3 is almost here. Wasn’t it yesterday that you told me you got admitted into Triumph University. My baby is a woman. I am so proud of you.

She thanked her Dad and head straight to her room. That night she called Tolani and told her everything.

You did the right thing by taking UBER. You are not a child, you know what’s best for you. I also think you were mean to Tokunbo, the rudeness was unnecessary. He is your roomie’s best friend. If not for anything, you should accord him that respect. But I think Arinola’s words were harsh.

You also think I was mean to him?

From what you just told me, I think you were condescending. It’s okay if you don’t want to dance, but there are ways to go about it. You could tell he was trying to be friendly.

By the next morning, Pelumi sent a text to Arinola, telling her what transpired between Tokunbo and herself. She apologized if it came off as her being rude and promised to be cordial. She also told Arinola that her words were harsh but she understood that it came from a place of anger.

Arinola called back almost immediately and apologized for her tone. She promised to come visit Pelumi once she gets to Lagos. She won’t be leaving school until the following week.

At home, Pelumi kept pestering her dad to go on dates.

I think you are worried about me not being cool with you dating, but I can promise that there is nothing I want more than to see you dating and happy

Tunde giggled

Who told you that I am unhappy being single?? Mimi, I can promise you that I am fine.

Daddy, I just feel like you are not putting yourself out there. You are a spec and all these ladies wouldn’t stop drooling over you. Give them a chance.

I hear you but give me some time to wrap my head around this whole thing, Mimi.

Arinola called Pelumi when she got to Lagos. They have been chatting all the while she was in school and Pelumi decided that she was going to be cordial with Tokunbo. As Arinola said, he is promiscuous, but at least, he didn’t ask her out, and for the sake of Arinola, she owes him a cordial relationship. She hated his guts, but she was ready to try and tolerate him.

A little facial smile here and there wouldn’t hurt anybody.

Pelumi met up with Arinola and Tokunbo at the cinema. It was an awkward reunion for her and Tokunbo but she decided to give it her best shot.

Pelumi : I am sorry for what happened at the party. I didn’t mean to be rude but I was dealing with ovulation mood swings, that’s no justification but I do hope we can move past it.

Tokunbo : That’s fine. Apology accepted. I am also sorry for being a dick.

Arinola : Hug it out. Two of you being cordial will make my life easier. I like hanging out with both of you. You don’t have to be BFFs but the bickering needs to stop.

They spent the day together and Tokunbo couldn’t help but flirt and talk about his sexcapades. He gisted them about his babes; like they were one of his buddies. Arinola is not new to this sort of conversation but Pelumi hated it. She couldn’t understand why a guy will gloat about not being attached to anyone and why he would rather be a friend with benefit than commit to a relationship.

Pelumi endured that day just to prove to Arinola that she was cool with Toks. Later that week, Tolani got back from school and Pelumi gisted her all about the cinemas day-out

Tolani : If he is as cute as you say then I want to meet him (giggles)

Pelumi: Yikes! Please NO. The guy is a dick.

Tolani: Some of us like them cute

Pelumi : All he wants is sex and nothing more

Tolani: bold of you to think I want more from him. Besides, sex is not something that a man takes away from you except its rape. Sex being consensual is two adults enjoying each other’s company. You make it sound like he is taking something from these girls.

Pelumi: I can’t believe my ears. Anyway, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Arinola invited me to their housewarming in Ikoyi. He should be there. You should come with me

Tolani: Yasss! Not because of him though but I have been looking forward to attending parties during this holiday before I go back to that village. I am down for any party. Speaking of which, Eniola said your Dad stopped picking her calls

Pelumi : Hmmm! He thinks she is cute and ambitious but he said he is not ready to date. He only accepted the date to please me.

Tolani : Try and talk to Eniola. Her emotions are all over the place. It seems like she fell more after that date. She wouldn’t stop talking about how he is her own “RMD”

Pelumi : (giggled) Eniola is a mess.

Pelumi and Tolani attended the house warming together and Tolani wouldn’t stop talking about how charming Tokunbo is and what she would like to do to him. She made Pelumi introduced her to Tokunbo and Arinola.

The party was the first place Pelumi and Tokunbo had any decent conversation. He talked about his budding career as a Front-end developer, his plans after school, and even proceeded to advise her on how to get freelance gigs as a Copy Editor. The conversation came naturally since she decided to keep him at arm’s length. He collected her number so he could send her links to freelance websites.

Up until that day, he never seemed like someone that had a head on his shoulders, because for as long as she had known him, it has always been him gloating about his looks and the ladies who want him. They sat together for close to 2 hours and talked about different issues from career to politics and finance. Arinola was happy to see them talking and Tolani wouldn’t let Pelumi hear the last of it on their way home.

He is so cute. Damn!

For the one-millionth time, I heard you, Tolani.

Pelumi chatted with Tokunbo when she got home and for the first time she finally admitted to herself that they can be friends. She doesn’t love or care for him and he is also not interested in her. Tokunbo sounds like an intelligent guy and she was okay with being friends. During her time at home, she got several gigs on those sites and she always revert back to him and thank him.

During the holiday, they chatted more and talked about different things. It was in one of that conversation that Tokunbo told her that he is the son of a former Minister and his mom is the CEO of one of the big five banks in Nigeria. Tokunbo is the 2nd of 3 children. His older brother committed suicide few years ago, and Tokunbo was the one that found him. He told Pelumi this after she mentioned her mom’s death and the situation surrounding it.

Tokunbo: I know how you feel. My older brother committed suicide 8 days before his 24th birthday and I was the one who found him. We were quite close. I looked up to him and loved him. The last time I saw him alive, we were together at Ikoyi club drinking and laughing. How could I not have noticed? Why didn’t he talk to me? Why did he leave me behind? Watching him lie on that floor was the worst thing that ever happened to me. It’s over 5 years now but when I close my eyes I can still see him on that floor.

Pelumi: OMG! I am so sorry, Nobody deserves to go through that. Did you ever go to therapy?

Tokunbo : Therapy! No ooo. I am ok.

Pelumi : My dad made me go to therapy months after my mom’s death. I hated every single moment of it but I started it again 2 years ago just before I got into Triumph and I feel differently. It’s good.

Tokunbo : pouring my hearts out to strangers is not something I find satisfying. I will rather have sex (chuckles)

Pelumi : Smh!!! Sex is not a substitute for therapy. I won’t and will never judge your lifestyle but sex sounds like your escape. It’s how you deal with what has happened to you.

Tokunbo: Now, you are psycho-analysizing me. Therapy is not my thing. There are many avenues to get rid of trauma, pain, grief, or anything you want to call. I don’t fancy therapy.

Pelumi: Ok. I won’t push it.

Pelumi and Tokunbo went back and forth after that conversation and she did try to convince him to consider therapy. After that conversation, they became close and talked about different issues. Pelumi never missed an opportunity to make him see reasons why therapy is what he needs. Eventually, after weeks of strategically talking about the importance of therapy, Tokunbo accepted and she gave him her Therapist’s number

Pelumi: I have stopped therapy for a while now, so don’t worry, we won’t be bumping into each other and she won’t tell me anything about you.

Tokunbo : (laughs) Whatever

When they resumed for the new session, Tokunbo was in his final year and Pelumi in her 3rd year. Their trauma brought them close and people who knew how much she despised him, were the ones to first comment on their budding relationship.

Arinola: Is it just me or you and Tokunbo are more comfortable with each other. It has been long since you trash-talk him.

Pelumi : I thought that was what you wanted?

Arinola: Of course. I like it.

Pelumi: I told you he sent me links to freelance gigs and I did a couple of jobs. We have been chatting and gisting ever since

Arinola was happy to hear it. Pelumi decided to drill her about Tokunbo. She wanted more details about him. Arinola told Pelumi all she could manage to remember.

Tokunbo is from a wealthy home and his parents were never really around so it was always Tokunbo, his late brother, and younger sister. Tokunbo’s brother had just finished his MSC in Cambridge, he wanted to pursue a career in music but his parents wouldn’t have it. He was forced to take a job in a multinational firm and he hated every single moment, but he did it, anyway. He got an apartment and Tokunbo was always around or chatting with him on phone. The brothers were buddies and they had each other’s back. It was some days to his 24th birthday, Tokunbo had planned a surprise birthday for him but he was still taking care of some last-minute details, he didn’t hear from him for 2 days and decided to go to his house, he met him lying helplessly on the floor with tons of drugs. He had overdosed.

His death messed up Tokunbo, he was meant to travel abroad for university but when the time came, he refused to go. He was mad at his brother for not confiding in him, he was mad at himself for not noticing his depression and he blames his parent for being responsible for his depression and eventual death.

He became rebellious; he drank and womanized. His decision to come to Triumph was a rebellious act against his parents. He could have gone to a private university if he wanted to school in Nigeria over the UK. He knew a public school would hurt his parents and that’s what he did. They threatened to cut him off financially, but he was not bothered. His late brother taught him how to code and he has been living off the money he gets from freelancing.

Pelumi was shocked to find out about this. She thought about how quickly she had judged him. This doesn’t excuse his promiscuous way but at least, it explained why he is the way he is.

She had grown fond of him and enjoyed his company. She promised to be friendly with him. She of all people knows what it feels like watching somebody you love die in your presence and you not being able to help. The guilt and the pain afterward.

Arinola and Pelumi hung out with Tokunbo and his friends. Pelumi tries to avoid their weekend parties by going home or rushing to the library to spend the day but she became more relaxed around him and felt pity for him. For years, she battled undiagnosed depression until Tolani, her dad and aunty bisi made her realize the importance of therapy. She had to go back to therapy after abandoning it. She was willing to help him see the merits of therapy.


A 500 Level law student named Peter had expressed his intentions to go out with Pelumi. He is calm, brilliant, and adores her. Peter is a 5’12, dark, hairy and bearded geek. Pelumi suggested they stay friends but Peter wanted more. Arinola likes Peter and she advised Pelumi to consider dating him.

Arinola: He is too gentle for me, but he seems like the sort of guy you like and one can tell he is head over heels in love with you

Pelumi : I don’t want to rush into anything. I will take my time.

Peter is always happy to volunteer his time to explain and teach her. She met him at the school library, he was always there and Pelumi is a regular customer of the school library.

Tokunbo doesnt miss the opportunity to tease Pelumi about her “Prim and Proper Peter”. Arinola told him about Peter’s interest in Pelumi

Tokunbo : I hear Mr. Prim and Proper likes you

Pelumi : Who is that

Tokunbo: Your admirer and Toaster

Pelumi: His name is Peter. Call him by his name

Tokunbo: Hmm! You are defending your beau’s honor. I just don’t picture you with somebody like that

Pelumi : Somebody like what?

Tokunbo: He is dull. Not dull in academics but socially and as much as you like to pretend, you are sassy and full of life.

Pelumi: Maybe I like them dull. Besides, you don’t know him that much to jump to conclusions.

Tokunbo : I don’t know him but I know you.

Pelumi: You don’t know all the versions of me. You just think you do

Tokunbo : Enlighten me then





I love words and the power it wields on the human mind and emotion #Storyteller #poet